THERE IS A RIOT GOIN ON: focusing the Independent Publishing scene

The exhibition THERE IS A RIOT GOIN ON focuses on the changes that the photobook has undergone over the last decade. Photography in book format has always been an important part of photographic history. Due to the digital transformation and the resulting changes in the structures of the publishing industry, however, a cultural revolution has taken place. It was no longer the large publishing houses that set the tone, but a scene of individualist personalities emerged who founded their own small publishing houses. Through their direct marketing strategy and their non-commercial orientation, they provided a stage for artistic photographic positions that have strongly influenced the way artistic photography has been seen in recent years.

On display at the exhibition are books from independent publishers such as: DIENACHT (G), THE ANGRY BAT (SL), RVB Books (F), BLOW UP PRESS (P), THE ERISKAY CONNECTION (N), SKINNERBOOX (I), DISKO BAY (D), FOTOHOF (A), JOURNAL (SW), NAMU (CZ), WO-MEN (CZ), POSITIF (CZ), EASTERN FRONT (UK/CZ), ARTMAP (CZ).

Festival is free of charge. Please, reserve your tickets here.


22 Sep 2021  7 pm

The exhibition continues

23 Sep – 3 Oct 2021


Michael Reitter-Kollmann


Markéta Kinterová


Jan Fabián


Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2
Wed–Sun, 12 am–6 pm


The Fotograf Festival is organised by the Fotograf 07 z.s., and held under the auspices of the Mayor of Prague and the City District of Prague 1 and Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and with the support of the City Council of Prague (405 000 CZK), the Czech Ministry of Culture.

Mediální partneři / Medial partners
