Earthlings I: Tissues

The first part of the central exhibition “Earthlings” presents human and non-human testimonies on environmental changes currently underway. Testimony is provided by flamingos, machines, oil spills and conservationist collectives, intertwined with the examination of images of oncoming catastrophes as offered to us by nature itself.


3 Sep 2021  5 pm

The exhibition continues

4 Sep – 31 Oct 2021


Susan Schuppli
Tega Brain
Julian Oliver
Bengt Sjölén
Pracovní skupina pro výzkum mimosmyslové estetiky
João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva
Lucie Rosenfeldová
Institute of Anxiety
Karolína Matušková & Lucie Zelmanová
Ondřej Šebestík
Marina Hendrychová


Lukáš Likavčan

Architect of the exhibition

Zbyněk Baladrán


National Museum of Agriculture
Kostelní 44, Prague 7
Tue–Sun, 9 am–17 pm


The Fotograf Festival is organised by the Fotograf 07 z.s., and held under the auspices of the Mayor of Prague and the City District of Prague 1 and Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and with the support of the City Council of Prague (405 000 CZK), the Czech Ministry of Culture.

Mediální partneři / Medial partners
